In less than two weeks, the last television campaign commercial will air, the polls will close, and if you haven't voted for Cody Judy as your next U.S. Senator, you'll have the same voters/buyers/ remorse from the last time you picked a politician for U.S. Senate like Senator Bennett from the Republican Party - we all know how that vote was a disaster for you.
It's really time to do some soul searching and get a handle on something; the National Parties are really corrupt as far as standing up for our United States Constitution. They look at their oath as a joke. Why else wouldn't a single candidate for U.S. Senate not pledge to bring Obama's Fraud as a Natural Born Citizen out in the open? It's simple but Republicans aren't going to do it because McCain had the same problem, and you can bet Democrats sure aren't going to.
That leaves you with one choice to vote for a man who has repeatedly stood up for our United States Constitution in the biggest fraud our United States has ever experienced. Cody Judy has Federal District Court papers in both Las Vegas Nevada, and in California against McCain and Obama, but the issue is just too big for one judge to stand up on. This needs to be handled in the U.S. Senate in a hearing/trial to assure a simple qualification. Obama doesn't have a long form birth certificate, we already know that, and he sure doesn't have two parents who were United States citizens, we just need a U.S. Senator with the courage to bring it to the floor.
Your support over the last ten months has been amazingly scarce. We would like to thank you but theirs no one to thank in the state of Utah, but there are a few patriots outside of Utah who are watching this race very closely. With Halloween on the way, we could say you'd have to be blind as a bat not to think the media isn't watching this campaign very closely but they are doing their best to keep it hidden from you.
So we are literally going to cuss you out right now, because you have only two weeks to pull your head out of a party where the U.S. Constitution doesn't shine anymore if your still there.
All of the organization, passion,energy, investment in Cody's opponents is going to be a waste anyway, because Obama is going to flat out destroy the United States capital, independence, and our individual rights that we have in the U.S. Constitution. What do you think social justice stands for? It sure isn't for individual rights. What do you think redistribution of wealth means? It sure doesn't mean you get to keep your own 401K, your hard earned income and investments for life. Do you really think that just because you have a good idea its going to be yours? Not with Obama and the corruption of our United States Constitution.
Early Voting opened yesterday. Have you voted? Find your polling location here.
We're all in this campaign together believe it or not, and Cody Judy is in it to win, and he needs your help. Let's give them an election victory that will echo across history!
Thank you for all you've done, if you have done anything. Thank you for sending this to your neighbors now; because we only have two weeks left and you've got to act NOW. If you don't get out and tell this story to your neighbor and plead with them to pass it on, you just haven't done all you could for Your Country.
Cody said one time, " I would rather lose with a clear conscience knowing I'd done all I could do in at least providing a choice that was right, than win a battle for a corrupt party that was just going to seer my conscience later. Isn't it time we quit thinking about what was impossible and started thinking that its just time to choose a candidate that is a fighter for our United States Constitution rather than a fake for it, AND it happens one vote at a time".
To use a great line of Obama's, " Let's be clear about what we can be clear about ", Mike Lee-R, Sam Granato-D, and Scott Bradley-C have had a very long time to come out and clearly state Obama was not eligible to be President and they haven't done it. They also have had a very long time to understand that what Obama' is signing into law is only made possible by his eligibility. The reason is very clear to you because your no dummy; Obama's goal of sending America to hell is directly tied to his pen and his pen is tied to his qualification.
Cody Judy is the U.S. Senate choice that is a champion for arresting Obama's pen through the eligibility qualifications of The Supreme Law of the Land, The United States Constitution.
Check out Cody's latest commercial, his latest blog report, and help Cody out with a high $5!
1-See Clearly - WRITE-IN CODY JUDY U.S. SENATE commercial - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLoe1Vl4CCU
2- Understanding the Sanity behind the Restore Sanity Rally- http://codyjudy.blogspot.com/2010/10/understanding-sanity-behind-restore.html
3- Help Cody with a high-$5 -
Again DON'T forget to tell your friends, family, and other patriots of America in Utah that there is one very clear choice for United States Senate and that is Cody Judy.
Cody Judy is an easy name to remember, so tell them to write it in on their ballot for United States Senate to be able to wake up the next morning and realize that THEY have voted for part of the solution instead of the lesser of two evils.
The last great Cody Quote we want to share with you, because it's the one thing no one can take away from you:
"The greatest media tool is simply one voice to another- Politicians don't need a million dollars to tell you how to vote, they simply need the truth because People will share the truth, and that will indeed keep the United States free."
Thank you from Cody Camp and we hope you have a great week and share Cody's web site www.codyjudy.us , and his YouTube Station CODE4PRES, because if anyone watches all 52 videos/commercials there is just no way they wouldn't know who Cody Judy is. Cody is a father, he's educated, he's experienced, he's a businessman, he's a fighter, he understands common law, he upholds and stands up for the Constitution and he has given freely his time, talent, and fortune to the security of our freedom and liberty. No one will ever say Cody Judy could have given more, but he didn't, because he's done everything he possible could to raise his voice with a warning for us to hear loud and clear.
How do you spell politician that Utah and the United States needs ... C.O.D.Y J.U.D.Y U.S. S.E.N.A.T.E
Cody Robert Judy
U.S. Senate 2010 UT
CRODE4PES YouTube Station
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