Super Bowl XLIX Patriots v. Seahawks - Deflategate v. National Security Where's the Fair Game?
There is really something about the excitement in the air on Super Bowl Sunday as the culminating Championship for the National Football League. All the pain, sweat, blood and tears of practice and losses, all the pats on the shoulders and encouragement for and from your team-mates through out your wins smiling, yelling,jumping up and down in excitement and victory.
Players know how much work has gone into all those practices nearly all year long and how through the regular season, the playoffs, and conference championships thirty-two teams whittles down to two teams for the Superbowl. All the drills and practices comes down to a laser focus on two teams.
From my own 13 year career in football I know a lot about the game. I remember starting in 4th grade a little later than most of my friends whose parents were married, but it just so happened that year my Mom got remarried to a nice man named Glenn Woodyatt. Glenn had two sons who were 4 and 5 years older than I was Danny and Harvey.
Harvey and Danny became my big brothers who I'd never had and somehow through Harvey's suggestions I was able to get into football and start playing in the Brigham City Little League Football program on the 85 pound B team. I hadn't every played so was really a rookie to many others who were on the 85 pound A team, but I didn't care. At least there was a team for me. Well, we did pretty good that year and I was the fastest so earned a running back position. The next year I was on the 105 lb. A Team and we never looked back or lost a game or season or mini-bowl for some ten years.
That's the kind of team I put on shoulder pads with, and the caliber of boys I grew up with. Harvey's question after Friday's game was not did you score a touchdown, but how many touchdowns did you make today? We sailed through elementary, Jr. High, and Highschool showing everyone what winning was all about. I was one of only two sophmores in Highschool brought up on the Varsity Team and lettering. My Senior Year I was named MVP of our High School Football Team and Best Offensive Player.
Losing is apart of every position in life and our luck ran out in the semi finals of our Senior Year in the biggest game of our life's. I had never played or practiced on astro-turf until that day and what a bad day it was for the Box Elder Bees against the Davis Darts, who beat us and went on to win the State Championship. It was a foreign field, and foreign turf to me and I spent the first half learning that when you cut on that turf you stopped a lot quicker and I just couldn't seem to get my footing.
We played our best for the experience we had on that ground but we got beat and Davis High School was heard reporting after they had won that it was the Box Elder Bees who had given them the biggest fight. I had averaged that year as the lead running back 6.7 yards per carry and over 800 yards. That meant if you got the football to me you were never not going to get a first down in an average of two plays.
Football teaches you a lot about discipline and pushing yourself hard to do the best you can. That's all that was every expected. I had the honor of running circles around Merril Hodge who was a year ahead of me and notably played Quarterback my freshman year there.
He went on to be one of the best running backs in the Pittsburgh Steelers franchise. In his career, Hoge gained 3,139 rushing yards and 2,133 receiving yards, scoring 34 touchdowns. While playing fullback in the Steelers offense, he scored 10 touchdowns in 1990. It was an honor to play football with him as he was always friendly to me though I was the walk-on.In 1996, Hoge was hired as an on-air analyst for ESPN.
Being on the meat squad opposing the Idaho State Defense in 1985 was actually a bigger task than playing against the Oakland Raiders as our team was bigger. It was really incredible and for some reason I begin to think walking on a Professional Team might be the smarter play if I was going to keep this football career up as even if I was on a scholarship it posed a greater degree for injury and the same risk would be paying better in the Professional League.
I had played with the big boys, knew I could, but that's when I hung up my football shoes and decided to retire and pursue my career in horsemanship which provided for me a satisfying means of competitive sports with a lot less risk to my body. Although horses are bigger then those football players the dressage foundation that had been given to me by both my parents was ingrained proved so successful we could literally break a horse in front of an audience with no buck. That's me in 1988 on a pure Spanish bred Stallion named Numaa on a training recommendation I received from Alfredo Ortega who was Wayne Newton's Head Trainer.
A lot's happened in between the cracks and in 2008 I put it all down in a book called Taking A Stand - The Conservative Independent Voice that was rushed out for the 2008 United States Presidential Election making my football and horsemanship arena just a little big bigger with the Political Arena. I had started in Congress in 2002 and attracted enough attention for Jon Stewart to take notice on The Daily Show and went on to run for U.S. Senate in 2004, and 2010 which you might say was running on a field I had not been on before.
To maintain the 'standing' I had in 2008, I had to run in 2012, and thusly 2016. I can't say I have won any Super Bowls in the political arena yet, but I can say the work I've done in the field has been a lot of blood, sweat and tears, without a lot of slaps or pats on the back. The joy of the work has come only from actually taking a stand for our United States Constitution and knowing that there are approximately 320 Million Americans who are out there I'm playing for. The team has gotten bigger and the stakes have gotten higher.
Fighting for Truth has been my interest for the American People and I've taken a stand in the qualifications for the Office of the President on a bi-partisan platform that has pitted me against Sen. John McCain and Sen. Obama for not being 'natural born Citizens' ie. Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents. This has undoubtedly been the hardest most criticized and despised team to play for in America over the last six years.
The interest of powerful people have compromised the national security of our Country in that office and that office is the easiest way to destroy everything that the United States of America as a team has put together, which is the reason I dug myself in for that defense right on the front line and have written over 400 post here about that. I've even wrote and sang songs about Obama not being a 'natural born Citizen'. Here's one.
Rocky Balboa's words in Rocky Balboa are as true today as they were in the movie when he was talking to his son. There isn't anyone that is going to hit harder then life.Sometimes life isn't fair and it will beat you down. But its not about how hard you hit, its about how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done.
Standing for the truth and understanding that the qualifications as a "Citizen" were given to the Office of Representatives and Senators was different than the qualification of 'natural born Citizen' given to the Office of the President, after the adoption of the Constitution is a second generation safety issue on our national security.The qualification for the President was "Citizen" but only for those who were "Citizens" at the time of the adoption of the Constitution. They have all passed away now and fighting for that truth has been my game for six years now.
I am the only Presidential Candidate in the United States of America who sued McCain and Obama for not being 'born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents' that U.S. Supreme Court case Minor v. Happersett declares there is no doubt about. Foreign Citizenship can be acquired from either parent or birth place outside of the U.S. and quite simply the whole idea was to keep the Office of the President away from foreign allegiances. People think one life time is enough to establish loyalty, but the qualification itself required more than one lifetime. Its a time qualification that requires two full uninterrupted or foreign free generations from either parent or birth place.
If loyalty alone was a mark established by time as an example, how loyal has Sen Ted Cruz been to Canadian Citizenship? If he proved to discard his native born Canadian citizenship so easily and turn his back on them, don't you think he could do the exact same thing to the United States of America? In fact, he is sworn to uphold our U.S. Constitution as a U.S. Senator which he has been given the opportunity for meeting the age, time in America, and Citizen qualification for as a brilliant freshman U.S. Senator. However, his plans to run for President and his not taking a stand for the qualifications of "natural born Citizen" are really all we need to put up as an example of why the Office of the President was actually given a stricter qualification in age and time that was free of foreign or alien-ships for two full generations. The same thing could be said of U.S Sen. Marco Rubio also a rising star in the Republican party whose inherited from his father and mother Cuban citizenship at the time of his birth.
You might have noticed the air needles in my picture commemorating and wishing both teams playing tonight 'good luck'. I have been thinking this last couple of weeks about the air pressure in the balls receiving so much attention by the Media with due diligence to making sure a fair game is played. The NFL to their credit has brought in experts to analyze a theory as well have conducted an investigation interviewing some 40 people in a very short period of time termed 'Deflategate'.
Congress has never passed a alteration of the U.S. Constitution's qualifications for the Office of the President although 8 attempts of doing just that have been made since 2003. Imagine if Congress exercised not only due diligence but duty to uphold a 'fair game' or 'elections '08 '12 ' as the NFL has with the subpoena power it has?
Is'nt it a terror upon the American Public to witness a subversion of the U.S. Constitution's demands for a natural born Citizen in the Office of the President, while witnessing the generous media publish with virality the story of proper air placed in a football for an important game? Which should have been a higher priority?
To the credit of the NFL Patriot Football TEAM who was subject to 'deflategate' they fully cooperated with the investigation, but the Democrats and Republicans while having the duty to uphold the rules have done just the opposite and that is with the evidence of a criminal investigation on their desks in the Sheriff's Kits.
This is very upsetting news to digest with your chicken wings over Super Bowl Sunday I understand, but its more important then any Football Super Bowl Game and its a extreme discourteous outright dereliction of duty for Congress not to at the very least put Obama's Ineligibility in the cross-hairs of a qualification hearing based on the intelligence of his not being a 'natural born Citizen' even according to the foreign citizenship Obama has divulged himself to them.
This is where hopefully you might see the Judicial Branch come into the play like a call from the referee simply because both the Republicans and Democrats have been unwilling to call any of their own 'ineligible' by the facts of foreign citizen-ships inherited or received from birth and thus negate the time of two generations required for the Office of the President. Hopefully, a neutral position could be had in the Courts that separated party loyalty from facts.
Just because a few Republicans and Democrats in our modern history ganged up to subvert the qualifications, that America's Congress's and Courts over two centuries have upheld, in U.S. Sen. Res. 511 which ultimately was not binding, not seen by the House, not signed by a President, and certainly did involve three Presidential Candidates in Sen. Hillary Clinton, Sen. Barack Obama, and Sen. John McCain, does not mean that the Court doesn't have the authority to say,"Listen, you haven't been able to change it legally since 2003 with 8 attempts, why should we not uphold a third parties defense for the Constitution as it stands now"?
You know how horrible it is when a 'bad call' in the referee's department ruins a game like the Super Bowl? Imagine compounding it 100 times by fleecing 320 Million Americans out of a national security defense and that's why I have fought and played so hard for the Constitution as a Patriot. That's my team! We haven't won really anything. For all intensive purposes the Media calls us losers and birthers as derogatory terms rather than heroic ones.
Still in my heart burns the innocents of so many who just don't know and don't understand. Would you fight for children who had not learned their times tables yet? I hope we all would. It is in certain terms of responsibility those who do knows duty. I know I fight for the truth and I'm doing my best to score touchdowns for our Team. God Help Us.
Very Truly Yours,
Cody Robert Judy
Ignoring the facts just like Congress has ignored them isn’t going to change them and the thing about facts is they eventually catch up with you.
Judy v. Obama case No. 14-4136 is indeed in chambers and is set to be ruled on shortly. I don’t know exactly when it was submitted for a decision as ripe by the Clerks and I don’t know how long it may be in chambers much like one doesn’t know how long it will take for a jury to reach a decision but we do know now for certain that the process of a decision is underway and has been since Dec 29th,2014, and that all arguments have been submitted and are now closed.
For those wishing to read the court action I have filed in Judy v. Obama filed in the Tenth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, Denver, CO. I invite you to here. I also would like to make an appeal to you for contributions which you can send to the address listed on the Court document to me if you'd like or you can now do that online at the web site now.
We need your help. Will you help us or are the outrageous lies your being told by your elected leaders okay for you and your children? If you won't defend your children and their future who will you defend?
The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.
Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401
Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016
The Commercial is simply called "America"
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