Featured on the FOX NEWS Channel from the Political Grapevine, Barack Obama’s Motion to Dismiss was denied in a Georgia Law Court concerning his eligibility to be placed on the Ballot for President in 2012. Cody Robert Judy, also running for President in the Democrat Party, is on that Ballot Challenge as well as the contest facing Obama in the New Hampshire State Supreme Court.
While the challenges for the perpetuation of the U.S. Constitution’s demand for a natural born citizen have again surfaced in the Presidential election of 2012, indeed so have the desperate ‘racist’ charges reducing Obama as a victim of circumstances beyond his qualifications for president to that of his color.
Pitting Obama’s color as leverage to supplant the Constitution demands that one be born in the United States to Citizen Parents concedes the dangerous ground Obama in fact treads with the release of his long form birth certificate showing his father was indeed a citizen of Kenya at the time of Obama’s birth.
The dual citizenship naturally afforded Obama at his birth is the harbinger of his eligibility mêlée, as the natural born citizen demand is the pillar eclipsing the demands for U.S. Representatives or U.S. Senators designated good-naturedly for the office of the President of the United States.
Understanding the key crucial to National Security and the Sovereignty of the United States, the Framers of the Constitution recognized the pinnacle of power and mobility considered necessary in the position of the President and that as far as nature could afford in the resolute origination of one’s landing on Earth as well as the nurturing establishment of a body’s character from parents, nature and nurture harmonized in the declaration of natural born citizen.
While many arguments disingenuous of the demand for the President to be a natural born citizen occasion stating someone’s loyalty does not have to do with one’s place of birth or effects learned from parents, the principle pillar of fire intelligently placed between the United States and the enemies chariots was two generations.
With relative ease the three legged chair consisting of ‘fondness of one’s place of origination’, ‘intrinsic respect for ones parents as mirror images of oneself’, and the high hurdle of the two creating the third leg; a divide between being able to meet the demand in one single generation provides a natural barrier to the Presidency.
In the case of Barack Obama, if he indeed was born in the United States his father being a foreigner prevents his ascendency to President for only one prong of the two prong test is hurdled; his place of birth. Reversing the order we would say Obama Senior as a foreigner wanted to supplant the Presidency with Obama Junior unswerving of foreign dictates.
The safety of two generations declares that Obama Jr.’s children attesting to their father’s “first generation citizenship” and also being born in the United States become “natural born citizens” as second generation citizens, with a greater intrinsic respect for the opportunity essentially featured in the United States of America, placing two generations between Obama Senior’s foreign dictates and his Grandchildren’s natural born citizenship.
Those foreign dictates have an impossible hurdle to clear given the average life expectancy of 100 years. Naturally Obama Senior has passed on before the grandchildren reach middle life maturity, all the while receiving the positive incentives affirmed of the United States Constitution and ones rights promoted as a powerful individual.
As 13 of 48 pages of the The Constitution of The United States booklet contain references to the President almost obscuring any other right, office, or dicta in comparison by 10 to 11 pages, it becomes frankly noticeable that the protection is absolutely afforded as a national security, the impediment reversely a national threat.
I know of no sound or reasonable judgment that could dispute the natural born citizen demand for our President to be counted as anything but intelligent wisdom and those opposing as adversarial; foolish. As a pillar of strength recognized by the two prong test I have always been of the frame of mind that the ‘natural born citizen’ could also be diluted most simply by a natural born citizen having a child in a foreign land.
This recognition has materialized in heated opposition of military men and women having children outside the United States. However, though the fires rage in insult, there is no escaping the real fact that the child born in a foreign land will always recall naturally the place of first combustion with natural fondness.
In my view, the extremely rare case of a military child becoming President is trumped by the two-prong test of being born in the United States to Citizen Parents. This protects the seat of the Commander-In-Chief within the Constitution and every military person swears an oath to the Constitution. I simply believe if a mother serving in a foreign land desired to secure the rarest odds or likelihood their child was a future president, 1 in 10,000,000, that leave would be afforded to deliver within the United States, or as more likely would be the case, the parents not be unsatisfied with the child being a Congressmen, that has much improved odds.
This was the reason that I sued Sen. John McCain in 2008 because he wasn’t born in the United States, but was born in Panama in the Panama Hospital unlike so many rumors that have been unleashed he was born in a military hospital.
Now in retrospect McCain never did become President and its safe to say in all likelihood never will. What we can say for certain is the non-binding U.S. Senate Resolution 511 declaring him a ‘natural born citizen’ has caused extreme turmoil for the Constitution’s demand for a natural born citizen and the two prong test.
Some say if the first prong of the test is ignored as it was in Sen. McCain’s circumstances that the second prong of the test should also be given a pass as would be the circumstances with Obama’s foreign father. The resulted quagmire has been anyone challenging Obama’s eligibility demanded by the Constitution’s natural born citizen qualification was a racist.
All except for me, I will not concede to the nasty labels of me as a ‘racist’ due to my consistency with the Constitution’s demands with Sen. McCain as well as Sen. Obama in 2008. As long as my testimony stands and America decides to get behind that testimony the ‘racist’ card is not credible and those using it against me are on the paltry sands of libelous defamation of my character and testimony.
The natural born citizen demand of our Constitution is among the pillars of light the darkness will never overcome and that’s why I’ve called the latest commercial to my campaign “Cody Robert Judy Standing Pillars of U.S.C. in New Hampshire and Georgia Obama” the dialogue is as follows:
Hi my name is Cody Robert Judy and I’m running for President in 2012 as a Conservative Democrat
You hear Republican candidates stating they believe in our Constitution, the pillars of liberty and freedom, but withholding their strength and influence in the demands our President be a Natural Born Citizen; I’m the only candidate running in the U.S. who has prior the 2008 elections.
I know the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land trumping any “case law”, however The Law of Nations is actually mentioned in our U.S. Constitution which defines natural born citizen and there is U.S. Supreme Court Cases providing adequate definition regarding one who is born in the U.S. to Citizen parents.
“How shall you know these candidates are pretenders, but by the fruit they have
Produced and represented?”
I need your help, your contributions, signatures, to help place me on the Ballot in your State for the Revolution of our Constitution and the fight to keep Barack Obama off the ballot as I have started in New Hampshire and Georgia.
I’m Cody Robert Judy and I approve this message.
Cody Robert Judy The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility www.codyjudy.us www.codyjudy.blogspot.com YouTube: CODE4PRES
HD VERSION Pillars III President 2012 Cody Robert Judy
Cody Robert Judy Standing Pillars of U.S.C. New Hampshire & Georgia Obama
CodyJudy: "....the reason that I sued Sen. John McCain in 2008 because he wasn’t born in the United States, but was born in Panama in the Panama Hospital...."
ReplyDeleteCodyJudy: "I know the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land trumping any “case law”, however The Law of Nations is actually mentioned in our U.S. Constitution which defines natural born citizen............."
Regarding McCain:
Book I. Chapter XIX
'Of Our Native Country, And Several Things That Relate To It'
§ 217. Children born in the armies of the state.
(Vattel): "For the same reasons also, children born out of the country, in the armies of the state, or in the house of its minister at a foreign court, are reputed born in the country; for a citizen who is absent with his family, on the service of the state, but still dependent on it, and subject to its jurisdiction, cannot be considered as having quitted its territory."
§ 220. Whether a person may quit his country.
ReplyDeleteMany distinctions will be necessary, in order to give a complete solution to the celebrated question, whether a man may quit his country or the society of which he is a member.(60) — 1. The children are bound by natural ties to the society in which they were born
Thanks for your comment I am familiar with that.
Judy v. Obama if you care to read covers my law suit against McCain.
But you probably have already looked at these if you were interested.
Thanks for your comment.. please sign your name next time. Thank you.
Are you giving the middle finger to our long serving military families?
ReplyDeleteWhat is it about Vattel's "§ 217. Children born in the armies of the state" that you can't understand?
John McCain's father (John S. McCain Jr.), who later became a 4 star Admiral was under military orders and an oath to our Constitution. He didn't quit on his country (USA).
Rino John McCain, who I'm not a fan of, could have been born at the North Pole with Doctor Santa doing the delivery and still be a natural born Citizen so long as both his parents were USA citizens prior to Rino John McCain's birth and his father was under military orders to be stationed outside the USA.
As you stated in your article it was "your belief". Your belief doesn't override the Constitution or Vattel. As you stated: "The Law of Nations is actually mentioned in our U.S. Constitution which defines natural born citizen............."
You and the other clowns who have filed lawsuits against McCain over this don't know what your talking about. You got it right on 0bumm0 the marxist usurping the Presidency per the Constitution and Vattle's Law of Nations.
You know you've hit bottom when a..hole BadFiction McKinnion calls you out on it.
How about showing more respect for those families who have a long history of service in our military. Thx
Rambo Ike
PS: I'm the "Anonymous"
Well, that would be like asking McCain if he was giving the finger to Vattel by asking the U.S. Senate for a Non-binding Senate Resolution because…?
ReplyDeleteI suspect our Founders and Framers thought as Sen. John McCain did that part of being a natural born citizen was indeed being born in the Country.
I don't expect my middle finger to be raised to our military anymore than they would raise it to the Constitution.
I'm sorry we disagree but clearly we do and the Congressional Actions taken to first make McCain a Citizen, and then the second Congressional Action taken to make him a natural born citizen were just lame.
Our President cannot be a dual citizen, and McCain born on Foreign Soil making him fond of that place rather than the States when it comes to his birth, are my positions.
Would you expect our Military to give a middle finger to our U.S.C., over one person in 10 million not being able to run for President and only being able to be a Congressmen or Senator?
That seems the very weak limb you’re reaching for and clearly you haven't read Judy v. Obama yet, because if you had you understand McCain's problems are suspect from the second of the two prong test also which I brought out.
Our Military Men and Women serve the Constitution and take an oath to that. The Constitution doesn't take an oath to bend for them. That's why they happen to love it.
The saddest commentary would be to use our Military against the U.S.C.
This isn't only about McCain. There are others in the military (past & present) who this affects.
ReplyDeleteForget about that non-binding resolution. That was just 'smoke & mirrors' to deceive the public. Congress can't legislate anyone into being a 'natural born Citizen'. At birth a child is either natural born or they are not.
The Founders/Framers use of Vattel's Law of Nations for 'natural born Citizen' had it right. Contrary to what you're doing they didn't eliminate Vattel's "§ 217. Children born in the armies of the state".
What's lame is calling McCain a 'dual citizen'. It shows that you and others doing this either have subscribed to a double standard of picking and choosing what parts of Vattel's work you want to use for your own self-interest, or don't comprehend what he wrote.
If Vattel wasn't making a 'Jus Soli exemption' for members of the military serving outside of their country and having a child born to them during that time then there would be no reason for him to include: "§ 217. Children born in the armies of the state".
Notice what Vattel says in § 215 & § 216: "By the law of nature alone, children follow the condition of their fathers", and "it is our extraction, not the place of our birth, that gives us rights".
§ 217: "children born out of the country, in the armies of the state,....................are reputed born in the country (America); for a citizen who is absent with his family (McCain's daddy was a citizen), on the service of the state (McCain's daddy under military orders), but still dependent on it (getting military pay from the US [taxes?]), and subject to its jurisdiction (as a citizen, not the foreign soil), cannot be considered as having quitted its territory".
In McCain's case, since both parents were citizens, he became a natural born Citizen. The soil (Panama) was in this instance not applicable for determining his American citizenship (natural born).
I suggest you take the time and read the whole Chapter XIX of Vattel's Law of Nations, Book I
We do agree on the Constitution, and Vattel's work defining natural born Citizen.
Rambo Ike
I don't recall Sen. McCain's Daddy being the one who got Pregnant? I believe that was Sen. McCain's mother who was not enlisted in the military or serving in our military as his father did and was.
ReplyDeleteMcCain's citizenship as a son of Panama comes naturally from being born in a foreign state that was not controlled by our military.
He wasn't even born in a military hospital. I'd think you would take your frustration out on Sen. McCain for asking for 511 if he didn't think he needed it?
The only reason I bring that up is because if I don't, I get called a racist for sueing Obama because there's a heck of a lot of people in the media who see the deal struck by McCain with the Democrat controlled Senate.
Read my lastest blog..
You know I am focused on Obama now, but I think the work done in suing McCain is moot now, McCain will never be President. Put it to bed.
Thank you for your sincere love for our Constitution., at least you acknowledge The Law of Nations in the Constitution. Most of Congress doesn't, or justify any representation of Vattel within our Constitution through the Law of Nations.
God Bless America - take care Rambo Ike