BREAKING NEWS REPORT & Patriot ACTIVATE CALL Judy v. Obama Eligibility Case 14-4136
My fellow American Patriots
Thank you for your attention in this matter and your concern as Americans for out United States Constitution. Many of you are discouraged thinking all is lost in our Republic. A psychological assault has been laid upon you from many directions with the intended purposes of burning you out, making you tired, and stripping any hope you have away.
I am hear to tell you that you outnumber them and your voices however small and individual do indeed matter. I am fighting for that very thing. Across this nation valiant and courageous men and women have done extraordinary things as individuals to take a stand for our Republic. The results are noticed and taken into account.
As you may or may not know I put out a Blog Piece Dec. 29th,2014 that itself scoured the web so quickly it was picked up on radar and noticed as TRENDING.
TWENTY DAYS have passed since then and I have made two other calls checking on the status of the Case Judy v. Obama et. al., 14-4136 and have been put off by the clerks of the Court. I know that you are home working your jobs, paying your bills and contributing towards your communities; and that matters like these are often the furthest from your minds and concerns. Jan 14th, 2014 a report came out in the Washington Times, that cited Mr. George Soros giving $33 million dollars in contributions towards activist groups hoping to tear Ferguson apart hoping to spur civil action.
When there are gains to be made by dividing, separating, and spoiling you better believe there will be men who will finance it while good people like yourself are really kept home working your jobs and struggling to put food on the table for your children. I know how hard it is to balance staying afloat with staying active and more than once I have sacrificed staying afloat to be active. Today I shared on facebook the remembrance video of my testifying in New York at the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial that found Obama guilty and the transcripts have been passed on to Congress. Over that two week period of travel, I lost my job, my home, and my family to divorce and started over with less then $100 to my name.
I have no doubt in my mind those sacrifices were called for by our Father and Creator in Heaven and with only enough money to get there I was uplifted by a few contributions to be able to get home, but it was very scary. Through out 2008 I made great sacrifices in my Las Vegas Nevada law suit to warn the Republican Party of the perilous road taken when an unqualified person usurps the Office of the President in my Judy v. McCain law suit and I continued with my standing as a candidate for President in 2012 against Obama clear to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Time and space prohibit a full disclosure of those proceedings here and now but they are in Court Records. I understand how much time it takes to get Court Records, read and digest every word and every motion that was taken in the past, especially when your involved with so many other things. The biggest thing that I want you to understand at this time is, "So Does The Courts".
Not always, but sometimes the Courts themselves will 'gauge' a 'public concern' regarding the case. They will research stories to take a public temperature reading and ascertain what justifying one decision over another will do. In every case, two sides argue and many factors come into play. The 'public factor' is a big concern. Picture sweeping your kitchen with no one in it and how much easier that is than sweeping your kitchen with twenty people in it and you'll know exactly what I'm saying.
It is much easier to sweep something under the carpet when no one is looking and this is what I'm afraid of. Its happened quite a bit and my last post detailed two nationally known reporters who themselves have taken action regarding this happening to them. Imagine the horror as a reporter knowing a story to be true and being told you could not run it. Imagine your computer and phone tapped and wired by Government because you were writing stories that detailed government corruption.
There are times when we must take a stand and at the very least on a ten minute break or lunch hour or pody break in the bathroom call our Courts of Law and let them know that we know about a case and would like an update. That is what this suggestion of a Patriot Activate Call is and nothing more. I have informed you a decision is taking place, you are concerned about that enough to call and ask the Court if it has been made. The process makes it more difficult to sweep any dirt under the carpet and frame a case as 'improbable' and 'unlikely successful'.Its always interesting when a Judge starts to entertain language like that as if he is guessing what the Jury taken from the public would likely decide.
Well I know what the Jury decided taken from all over America in that CIA Columbia Obama Trail in New York and it was guilty on many counts. We do surround them and at times it must be noticed that we are watching them very closely, like children who are always demonstrating their ability to stray out in the road that could cause an accident to happen.
Let's put that to rest because I know there are more patriots out there then hooligans. I know there are more working men and women wanting their children to have a chance in the land of the home and the brave we call the United States of America. The same Union and Flag that we pledge allegiance to the Republic, for which we stand, one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. I know your out there and that you can pass this on and in your busy day while your having a coke and chip break you can call and just be a voice on the telephone for a one minute call that says, God Bless America and Justice for all. I am a concerned Citizen about this case hows it going? Case No. 14-4136 Judy v. Obama. Any news? The Phone number to make such an inquiry of the 10th Circuit Crt Clerk (303)844-3157.
Thank you for this consideration and may all you who have held signs, traveled far for protest, rallied for the cause of our Republic be blessed for your sacrifices. You touch my heart and I am inspired by you. I know we got a lot right in this case and that fundamental legal values are to be swept under the carpet if the facts of this case also are allowed to be swept under the carpet. Please help in anyway you can.
Yours Truly,
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for President 2008, 2012
Plaintiff in Judy v. Obama 14-4136
Judy v. Obama is indeed in chambers and is set to be ruled upon shortly. I don’t know exactly when it was submitted for a decision as ripe by the Clerks and I don’t know how long it may be in chambers much like one doesn’t know how long it will take for a jury to reach a decision but we do know now for certain that the process of a decision is underway, that all arguments have been submitted and now are closed. The U.S. District Court Records submitted and a decision is now close at hand.Cody Robert Judy
HouseKeeping Note: We'd like to thank you for over 180,000 views here at the blog. It is my pleasure to run shoulders with you.
For those wishing to read the court action I have filed in Judy v. Obama filed in the Tenth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, Denver, CO. I invite you to here. I also would like to make an appeal to you for contributions which you can send to the address listed on the Court document to me if you'd like or you can now do that online at the web site now.
We need your help. Will you help us or are the outrageous lies your being told by your elected leaders okay for you and your children? If you won't defend your children and their future who will you defend?
The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.
Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401
Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016
The Commercial is simply called "America"
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