SCOTUS News -WOBC Radio w Host Mike Volin plugs in with 2016 Presidential Candidate Cody Robert Judy Thursday-June 18th at 8PM EST.
Cody Robert Judy is the only Presidential Candidate in America who has a "Bi-Partisan" Record in Federal Courts filed to protect the 'natural born Citizen' Clause for the Office of President. The 49 year old 2016 Democratic Presidential Candidate has 15 Civil Actions in Court since 2008 that include McCain and Obama.
His Case Judy v. Obama 14-9396 will be in U.S. Supreme Court Conference Thursday, June 18th.
Cody Majored in Psychology at Utah State and is the author of Taking A Stand - The Conservative Independent Voice; His Blog with over 530 entries and 240,000 views, www.codyjudy.blogspot.com, and his web site www.codyjudy.us
He has been the C.E.O. of multiple businesses for 15 years and grew up ranching and farming. Cody is a family man the father of four children. He enjoys writing Music producing 6 Albums in The Cody Robert Judy Band. Cody has run a full marathon, and enjoys golf where he also has been a Professional on the old PGA Nation Wide Tour.
In the service of our Country and the Constitution, Cody has dedicated a large chunk of his life out to preserving, protecting, and defending what he calls the nuclear center of the U.S. Constitution in the qualifications for the Office of the President. He also run for Congress and U.S. Senate but has never been elected, many say because of his true stands for Principle over Party.
We're going into some detail about his U.S. Supreme Court Case and hope you'll join WOBC Radio with Host and WOBC Chief Mike Volin, June 18th, at 8pm EST. WOBC RADIO www.wheresobamasbirthcertificate.com
Cody Robert Judy's FB page has filled up with 5,000 so we would ask you to join the new and growing list of supporters on FB here! Pass it on!
We hope you will not spare your Contribution today in the Res-TOUR-Ation of our NATION and support Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President today.
1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396
Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin
The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.
Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President
CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.
Thank you to everyone who is and has contributed just a little here and just a little there, for we are working very hard in using the little that we do have as efficiently and proficiently as it comes in, as I'm sure everyone would agree. Please consider a contribution
Let's make it Official and support a Qualified Candidate whose has dedicated his time and talent to taking a stand for America. Let's raise a million dollars and give you the right to say, "I'm not an Idiot, I'm a Patriot!".
INSPIRING - I believe in You
You should do the show on the 22nd which is the day when your case will be completely dead.
ReplyDeleteMr Balley, is there something about the biggest fraud in U.S. History taking place in Obama's fabricated identification long form birth certificate and selective service registration that you find delightful in being excused from the U.S. Supreme Court of the United States? Why don't you just sign your assets over to me if you don't like your property that much?
ReplyDeleteYou know, the success of my Case as much about Hope for Justice as the Dismissal is a Cover-Up of Crime. I'm just not sure what kind of a person celebrates the cover-up of crime, but you seem to be representing that kind of a person.
It is next to impossible to guide the youth to the conviction "crime does not pay" when they see liars and cons succeed from the halls of justice to the floors of the lawmakers. Cody Robert Judy is one in a million who has the integrity and the interest of the young and the country at heart to turn the horrific situation around and bring sanity back to the national life of the US.