Tuesday, January 3, 2012

CRJ Update: GA Case Denies Obama Motion to Dismiss

CRJ Update: GA Case Denies Obama Motion to Dismiss

Today, January 3rd, 2012, the Georgia Federal District Court Judge denied Obama’s Motion to Dismiss.

For a detailed report check out WND's Report here:


As an update and intelligence report for those who read this, in understanding why it is so very important to help my campaign and contribute from many different States to show a well orchestrated and competitive campaign .

Dear Orly

Great News in Georgia, I'm sure our excitement is equal. ;)

I can just hear David De'Jute and Michael Jablonski's cogs turning as they try and tear apart this case with the "Political Question Doctorine", stating the same argument presented in the 9th Circuit:

(The political question doctrine serves to "restrain the judiciary from inappropriate interference in the business of the other branches of government" by prohibiting the courts from deciding issues that properly rest within the province of the political branches.)

(The issues sought to be raised by appellants herein, regarding both whether President Obama is a "natural born citizen of the United States" and therefore eligible to be president as well as any purported claims raised by any criminal statutes … are to be judged, according to the text of the Constitution, by the legislative branch of the government, and not the judicial.)

I wanted to give you some information about my campaign so that you are prepared to fight this kind of an argument off with facts relating to my campaign. I know this was a problem for your case with Allan Keyes, and there's no reason not to assume they may hit you with another Motion to Dismiss on different grounds such as this.

Here are some things you can mention about my campaign.

1) Cody Robert Judy is directly hurt by Obama's ineligibility because I am a candidate in the same party.

2) My campaign has 138 Videos on my self and my campaign YouTube Station CODE4PRES- (Mitt Romney's Believe In America YouTube station has 85 to date.)

3) Features a 50 page website: www.codyjudy.us

4) A feature or principle Blog that is over 2 years old with over 200 entries

5) Monetary support for my candidacy has come from multiple states of the Nation including Arizona, California,North Carolina,Minnasota,Utah,Oklahoma,and Texas.

6) Reports on my Campaign have come Nationally 6 times in publications in Iowa, Wyoming,Arizona, Utah

Thanks for all your hard work, and I sure will continue mine.I'm very proud to be apart of this case.

Cody Robert Judy
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign

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