How long will the Media Black Out confiscate the intelligence of America’s Citizenry?
The story would be that in the first time ever that expert witnesses were called to testify and a compilation of facts was submitted to a Court of Law that is recognized in our Judicial Branch of Government, Obama coward in his secret chambers and didn't suit up as a player on the field. With nothing particularly important on the schedule watching the live-streaming feed coming out of the court room provided by those bypassing the thumb-hold media he had corralled Obama was the cascading clown being made fun of in the Courtroom with multiple identities.
As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Attorney General Eric Holder shook their heads looking on the unimaginable event transpiring in the thoughtful agitation of knowing when it blew, their political careers would be blown out of the water with the despotism of comradery collapsing upon the greatest sham to ever hit American politics: Barack Hussein Obama
Why oh why had they not heeded their inner instincts? Why oh why had they crossed the line of principle and value? How had they lost the integrity of America in the glittering sea of Washington DC power and elitism that had crafted their political demise under the banner of what had come down as an acid rain instead of a banner of protection: The Constitution of The United States?
Had they actually become 'Domestic Enemies' to the Light House on the hill that the world looked to as a beacon of hope, freedom, and liberty? Did they look with admiration upon The United States Constitution that bound the 50 States together in a Republic for which 300 million Americans pledged allegiance or did upon inner reflection they look upon it as the piece of furniture they actually had come to despise in the American house? When had the end come not to the rescue in order to justify their means, or was there a choice now that had to be made upon the innocent, the dumb, the stupid, the poor who needed them in order to live?
Who were these plaintiffs? Citizens who actually thought they could challenge the President? Where had they gone to school and not learned to move with the crowd pushed by a few with cattle prods?
Surely these Plaintiffs were rejects of the Republic that offered not one ounce of sanity or deserved any recognition accept in scorn, dereliction, and banter.
The intelligence of the masses was the media and the media had made a decision in the angst of journalistic integrity and the anxiety of repose to stay the hand of freedom and liberty for the self destructive fist of force. They chose in the site of their Creator and public witness to bite the hand that fed them, and to deliver to the pit that which gave them breath- The banner of The United States Constitution.
Why…Why… Why had that choice been made?
Pride saith, “For me!”
To protect the ‘pride’ that hath no honor, no loyalty, but only has the victuals of leviathan was insane; nevertheless they had indeed chosen their master.
Not one report would be made to expose the depositor and defender of their first Amendment, their civil code forged by their fathers- the Founders and Framers of the United States of America. They would boldly stare down their portraits, their busts, their legacies, the paintings, the sculptures, their words and escape them and place them as ruins of a bygone age of carnival barkers and clowns.
Who knew better than themselves how to govern? Who knew better than to smash the uprising cry of freedom and liberty? And who knew better how to use the weapons under their control? Why, they did; but now all was threatened in the floors, the foundation upon which they had built, the pillars and high hands, the multi-levels stacked upon multi-levels forming the deck of cards they found themselves teetering upon, watching the finger tap-tap-tap, on the lower cards upon which they rested.
What evidence you ask, and who is the Plaintiff running for President in the Democratic Party that lives in Ogden, Utah bringing these complaints to the Obama White House door?
1. Affidavit and testimony of Chris Strunk in regards to Obama’s use of last name “Soebarkah”.
2. Affidavit and testimony by Linda Jordan, that Obama’s Social security number 042-68-4425 used by Obama, that does not pass e-verify.
3. Affidavit and testimony by licensed detective Susan Daniels, showing that SSN used by Obama, was issued to another individual, who was born in 1890 and who resided in CT in 1977.
4. Affidavit and testimony by Felicito Papa, Information Technology expert, who showed that Obama’s alleged birth certificate on line, is a computer generated forgery. Also, evidence that on Obama’s tax returns in 2009 he used the same SSN 042-68-4425, which was never assigned to him.
5. Affidavit and testimony by scanning and typesetting expert, Douglas Vogt, that Obama’s alleged birth certificate on line is a computer generated forgery and not a scan of a single document.
6. Affidavit and testimony of retired deportation officer John Sampson, testifying to evidence of fraud in Obama’s birth certificate and social security number, as well as evidence, that Obama possibly immigrated to US together with his stepfather Lolo Soetoro. Mr. Sampson testified that in cases like this he would seek a warrant for an arrest and deportation.
7. Affidavit and testimony of Orly Taitz Esq.’s - that she downloaded Obama’s law license application from on line records, which showed him committing perjury and fraud and hiding his prior last names “Soetoro” and “Soebarkah”. She testified that after she complained to Illinois bar, Obama changed his record from “inactive” to “not eligible to practice law”. She presented it to the judge to show a modus operandi. When she filed a complaint with the Illinois bar, Obama chose to forfeit his law license that was based on an elite Harvard degree all the order to hide his identity for political greed.
When the Plaintiffs served Obama with a subpoena to appear in court and provide certified copies of his long form birth certificate, redacted application for the Social Security card, immigration and naturalization records, Obama chose not to appear in court, he forfeited the whole state of GA with millions of votes, 17 electoral votes and possibly 4 more years in the White House, if other states follow GA, he did it to hide his identity under the last names “Soetoro” and “Soebarkah” and hide evidence of Social Security fraud and forgery.
Who is the Plaintiff bringing these charges to the door of the White House and running for President in the Democratic Party that has challenged Obama’s house of cards?
Cody Robert Judy www.codyjudy.us , www.codyjudy.blogspot.com , YouTube: CODE4PRES and the mainstream Media have a black out on him. What is his Bio? What is his Platform? What possessed him to preserve, protect, and defend The United States Constitution, and what has he done the last 4 years in The Birther Movement?
How long will the Main Stream Media remain silent and the American People subject to the confiscation of journalistic integrity and honor?
What happens to the political chess board if Barack Hussein Obama is removed from the majority of State Ballots starting in Georgia, and more importantly what happens to the political chess pieces employed on the Obama coat tails when such a fabrication was known by those working and associated with Mr. Obama?
These are the questions that form THE MEDIA BLACK OUT.
1- http://www.examiner.com/crime-in-phoenix/watch-obama-ballot-challenge-hearing-live-on-streaming-video
2- http://www.cedartownstd.com/view/full_story/17337387/article-Cedartown-resident-among-those-filing-lawsuit-against-Obama?instance=home_local_news
3- http://www.wnd.com/2012/01/judge-rejects-obama-demand-to-quash-subpoena/
4- http://obamaballotchallenge.com/georgia
5- http://libertylegalfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Farrar-Welden-Swensson-PowellvObamaOrderonMotiontoQuashSubpoenasGeorgiaBallotChallenge.pdf
6- http://www.conservativenewsandviews.com/2012/01/26/constitution/obama-eligibility-challenges-explode/
7- http://www.scribd.com/doc/78893961/Farrar-Cody-Robert-Judy-v-Obama-Denied-Motion-to-Quash
ReplyDeleteThat is true, .. hope the American people wake up and demand a little integrity from their elected leaders. Thanks for the comment.