The acid reflex button is churning in America between the political parties of the Republicans and Democrats with the Presidential Candidacies of Rubio, Cruz and Jindal and of course Obama as illegal. Its like an illegal substance has been distributed to everyone in the room, everyone's got a stash, everyone's smoking it experiencing the high of an altered ego or the Constitutional Perception of Reality.
Both parties are cooking our Liberty in a microwave, from the inside out. Of course if there is no Law, the altered reality of the party scene goes on. Judy v. Obama 14-9396 is the last chance for a normalcy, a Constitutional Reset Button. To wake-up the Party so Americans can at least get a grip on hope and trust again.
That is exactly what the United States Supreme Court was designed for you know. The greatest watchdog of liberty and respected authority of the Constitution. With the Constitution as a Standard, our individual rights protected from a bullying majority. But the Republicans and Democrats are so cooked up on illegal substances now the only thing that is going to save our Country is a Constitutional Reset Button if you will from the TOP DOWN. Support is needed for that.
Hey, I don't have anything against a good party at all. However, when it goes on and on and on those attending never have a chance to sober up and get straight. Get back to normal.. or in this Case get back to the Standard of the Constitution. Some have said after the weeks decisions of the United States Supreme Court that its evidence enough that we are just to far gone and there's to many people in high places involved and toking it up at the Barry Soetoro Party in an altered state of reality they seem bent on maintaining. When your all cooked up on pills and grass there's not a Constitutional Principle that you can't let go of. The altered dimension is enslaving and destructive all at the same time.
Did Democrats ever think that Obama would abandon them and become the favorite son of the Republicans when they elected him? This week Congress handed over all global trade authority to Obama and immigration authority to the UN while Democrats including Rep. Nancy Pelosi started scratching her head at the two certifications she signed in 2008 for Obama one of which had to be a an altered reality in order to fly. The Washington Times got a whiff of what was being lost as it pondered again,.."Can I see that birth certificate?" in the Order of finding Obama ineligible to serve and sign as the Executive Branch Chief.
The "Republican" Supreme Court stood with Obama to protect unconstitutional socialized medicine breaking the backs of middle Americans who can no longer afford it. When you have to have a $7,000 dollar deductible in the bank at all times in order to go to the Doctor its pretty much a for-gone conclusion the back of Middle America is being broken with an incentive to fall off to the poor side.
The poor simply will stay poor because they have a $7,000 dollar deductible incentive never to become middle class, ever compliments of the Barry Soetoro Party. They won't ever get the deductible and will remain on the poor side getting health insurance for free, but their American Dream is also being wiped out. Well ACA is not really free, remember its being financed by or should we say on the backs of the middle class whose ground is crumbling every day like the buffalo of Old America being run over the Cliffs to collect their hides.
Look at Cody Robert Judy v. Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro et.al., as it is written on the Motions and Petition as a Writ of Certiorari. The last post you can see a Motion that was delivered to the Court and here's the link for the Original Petition viewed now well over 3,000 times.
Look at how the United States Supreme Court altered the Case Heading themselves. It was altered by the Court Clerks to read Cody Robert Judy v. Barack H. Obama President of the United States. When have you ever seen the heading of a Case changed by the United States Supreme Court to read the way they liked it?
Hitting the Constitutional Reset Button and recognizing Obama was never qualified for the Office of the President by the Standards of the United States Constitution would indeed call into question everything signed and recommended by Obama, even his choice for Vice President. Think about every executive order every ACT of Congress that has been submitted to the Executive Branch for Obama's signature? This is the magnitude of Judy v. Obama 14-9396, because if it is won in the U.S. Supreme Court and Cody's Campaigns in 2008 and 2012 and 2016 are seen as Damaged by the usurpation of an Empirical Obama Reign in both the ability to get contributions and voter support by the injustice then Congress really looks foolish not to open and have a QUALIFICATION/DISABILITY IMPEACHMENT HEARING that would end Obama's Party.
How many Americans would want Obama's Party to end? How many American's are supporting a Candidate for President who has done the work at protecting our National Security, and has as a Presidential Candidate a Case to do just that in the United States Supreme Court, with all the talk and chatter going on in the Main Stream Media now about the 2016 Presidential Elections in headlines every day?
Judy v. Obama 14-9396 Case is the only Case now in the United States Supreme Court that has a chance of hitting the Reset Button Americans.
Thank You for considering this, passing it on, and supporting us. Please don't expect things to get better without a Constitutional Reset. Donald Trump entering the ring as a talking Birther against those who are not Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents on one hand, and not 'doing anything' about it on the other, isn't going to work. In fact Mr. Trump, now gaining momentum in the Republican Polls, has already accepted Obama as his President. He calls Obama President almost every day.
That is the talk you should hear, and the action or record of support that counts in the job description for U.S. President if words matter. Mr. Trump has not given my Civil Cases in the U.S. Supreme Court a single dollar, its a big fat zero, and that goes for all the Republican Candidates. Trump's name recognition is also zero in the United States Supreme Court against Obama's ineligibility. Mr. Trump is very poor in this regard and Mr. Judy is much richer than Mr. Trump.
In the consideration for the Office of the President of the United States, Americans really need to consider which Bank Account really Counts. The account in preserving, protecting, and defending the United States Constitution and the biggest threat to that coming from Obama aka The Barry Soetoro Party. This was the name the man named Obama is recorded as attending High School as and he was an adopted Indonesian Citizen and portrayed himself that way according to those he attended High School with.
"Thus even the Court's interference with the heading of my Case", Judy says, "is an altering of identity, the likes of which are fraudulent to the original case. Removal or alteration of identification from property, that the alteration of my Case represents for the Court as placed on the Docket as being mine, or my property, is a Criminal Offense that needs to be SPOT LIGHTED by the Main Stream Media so that the Justices see it. Its just not right and goes right along the lines of allowing Obama to commit fraud upon the American People with a fabricated long form birth certificate and draft registration as well as the problems highlighted with numerous other forms of identification with Obama that have never had a hearing in the Judicial or Legislative Branches of our Government on the merits.
"This morning my six year old son asked me "Daddy, what really come first- The Chicken or the Egg? As I pondered the question he sincerely asked. I said the body was created first out of the dust of the ground. Genesis Ch.2 v. 7. It was after the body was created and was still lifeless then that God breathed the breath of life into the body. I said, "The Chicken" that then was given the ability to lay eggs. (smile)
"As I thought about that it came to me, what comes first "Justice" or "Popularity". Without Justice I am a failed Presidential Candidate. If the Justices hear my Case and side with my damages claimed with the accident Obama caused with a lie, then of course I receive popularity. This is why I have asked the Justices to consider my Case. I have asked them in my last Motion; Why is it that Justice can't come first?
"How can you assume that without justice my campaigns having been subject to corruption and injustice can gain popularity? Why can't Justice be a gauge of Character and Popularity in a Campaign for President in America? Those supporting that immoral character of injustice according to the Standard of the Constitution are gaining the popularity because Justice is being covered up. That has got to stop for a change. Our Nation needs the Constitutional RESET BUTTON to be hit and its nothing but Justice on a bi-partisan or tri-partisan consideration with 43% of Americans represented and registered as Independents according to a Gallup Poll January 2015."
We would like to remind all of you who are just joining us that are thrilled with the SCOTUS Case and wanting to support it. The reminder is that without Cody Robert Judy's presidential runs in 2008, 2012, and now 2016 being in existence that there is no difference between the Cases that were all dismissed by the Court before. This is the STANDING LAW that is so very important. We reiterate this based on those who would dismiss Cody's run for President as not vitally important to the success in the United States Supreme Court and we would encourage your support for him as he has largely had to bare this burden with his own finances over the last 6 years, which has put him in the place of informa pauperis standing. Cody didn't start out that way and the action in 2008 Judy v. McCain as far as the Court Fees were 'paid'.
Please continue to check back and we will post UPDATED information here on our FUND RAISING GOAL. We notice contributions coming in from all over this Nation and hope you will get your state on the board here. We notice FL.,CA.,TX.,OR.,PA.,N.C.,UT.,S.D, and VA., now. Thank You!
The Cody Robert Judy for President Camp 2016
Quick Reminder Cody's interview with Mike Volin is up on Demand at WOBC Radio so tune in when you'd like!Tune in here: - HOUSE KEEPING NOTE:
Cody Robert Judy's FB page has filled up with 5,000 so we would ask you to join the new and growing list of supporters on FB here! Pass it on!
We hope you will not spare your Contribution today in the Res-TOUR-Ation of our NATION and support Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President today.
1) Judy v. McCain Las Vegas, Nevada 2008 U.S. Fed. 2)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Ballot Challenge Executive Court 3)Judy v. Obama New Hampshire State Superior Court 4)New Hampshire State Supreme Court 5)Judy v. Obama Georgia Ballot Challenge Executive Court 6)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Superior Court 7)Judy v. Obama Georgia State Supreme Court 8)Judy v. Obama Ballot Challenges United States Supreme Court 12-5276 9)Judy v. Obama Utah U.S. Fed Court 10)Judy v. Obama Utah Division Circuit Court of Appeals (Denver, Colorado) 11.) Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court 14-9396
Other Courts
12-10th Amendment Trial New York witness in the CIA Columbia Obama Sedition and Treason Trial
13-Amicus Curiae Filed in Berg v. Obama 2008
14-Amicus Curiae Filed in Keyes v. Obama Judge Carter case
15-Amicus Curiae Filed in Military Court if Lt. Terry Lakin
The proceeding referenced Court actions have been within the three Presidential Races 2008, 2012, and 2016.
Cody Robert Judy - U.S. President 2016
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President
CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.
Thank you to everyone who is and has contributed just a little here and just a little there, for we are working very hard in using the little that we do have as efficiently and proficiently as it comes in, as I'm sure everyone would agree. Please consider a contribution
Let's make it Official and support a Qualified Candidate whose has dedicated his time and talent to taking a stand for America. Let's raise a million dollars and give you the right to say, "I'm not an Idiot, I'm a Patriot!".
INSPIRING - I believe in You
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