BREAKING NEWS: Last Day for Obama to Offer a Defense of his ELIGIBILITY in Petition FACING U.S. Supreme Court
Without Justice What Exactly are you the President of?
Today is the day that a response is due from the Solicitor General on behalf of Obama if he'd like to make one, and also the due date for Obama to make a response to the action of my petition Writ of Certiorari Brief by a private attorney if he'd like to make one. What normally happens if a private attorney comes into the action depends on how they think its going to go. There is generally two actions that they file; either a response to the details of the action as to law and and an opposing opinion they feel the Court should take into consideration in not hearing or taking the case, or which is much more common they will file what's called a "Waiver of right to respond".
What a "Waiver of right to respond" means is they are willing to simply let it ride. In other words, they feel the Court without any opposite opinion would decide NOT to hear the case. Perhaps they feel the lower Courts actions could in no way be turned over, or not enough people are affected, or the Court simply has no interest whatsoever in the case. Such an action can be a little risky because the Court can also look upon it as tantamount to kind of a 'no contest' resolution and that could also work in behalf of a Petitioner just like it would in a lower Court if the defendant fails to show up.
That is exactly what happened in a lower Georgia Executive Court regarding a Ballot Challenge I was involved with in 2012 as challenging Obama's qualifications to even be on the ballot as an unqualified candidate for the Office of the President. The Court and the Secretary of State basically said Obama had better respond or if he didn't he did so at his own peril, which was widely covered by many Media outlets.
We don't know exactly what happened in that case, but what we do know is Georgia got two huge Government Contracts and the Judge stepped in and scrambled all the pieces on the monopoly board. What do you do when someone suddenly reaches over an organized game board and totally messes up all the pieces to a point where no one knows which pieces went where? Well, I appealed that decision clear to the Georgia Supreme Court and then to the U.S. Supreme Court where Obama's attorney filed a "Waiver to Respond", meaning the Court would not be hearing from Obama.
The truth is Obama has never actually had to come in to a Court and make an argument about his qualifications..ever! Now his attorney's have made arguments to dismiss actions based on 'lack of standing' or 'the wrong jurisdiction' or other technical aspects and there is a record of a few lower court Judges agreeing and sometimes going over board and deciding they would like to be Obama's attorney and make the argument for him such as the case was in the state Court of Indiana in the case of Ankeny v. The Governor of the State of Indiana. In that case the Judge decided anchor babies, meaning babies from aliens sneaking across the border illegally birthing them, were eligible for the Office of the President under the 14th Amendment and that the Constitution's qualification demands for Senators and Representatives had been merged with the qualifications for the Office of the President. The Indiana Supreme Court rejected an appeal to hear the case.
One has to wonder when looking at the estimated five million dollars Obama through his attorney's have spent defending the actions against his ineligibility where in the world he has received such wealth if it has not been the tax payers own dime that he has in fact used against the laws or Constitution of the tax payers. That's about the only way one could afford the lawyers Obama has used. You the tax payer have financed and paid for Obama to come up with such junk that supplants the law of even the reason of elementary school age children who understand the concept of the 'natural born Citizen' requirement being something other than what is required for Senators and Representatives.
In my case down in Georgia Obama's attorney bragged about all the cases won on these merits as if it was quite an accomplishment. The affects of that kind of accomplishment is indeed the peril of our Country. I was caught up last night in my dreams seeing the prayers and many many tears being shed for our Country and our Constitution by Patriots, mostly of women. I looked upon them with a sadness of my heart and a pain of understanding their tears, but more or less confounded with their prayers with no action.
In other words, they were bleeding their hearts out for our Country but were not convincing their husbands to join them, or convinced enough to send any money necessary to fight the battle, so they were praying for a miracle without doing all they could do. Faith without works is dead. I have not petitioned the Lord by missing any action in the Courts of Law afforded in our Country. I have not prayed for our Country that was sick and refused the anti-antibiotics sitting on the bench.
Where are these thousands and millions of Patriots with a dollar towards the only Campaign with Standing? Well, they are no where. The widows mite has failed to even be given in this case, so I am very afraid the door is going to be closed on this case. If people, and let's include Congress in that, fail to see the root of ObamaCare and ObamaAmnesty and ObamaDebt and ObamaExecutive Action and ObamaFake Employment numbers, is "Obama"; and the only true and faithful antibiotic is the Constitution's Qualification for the Office of the President, then there is no belief and faith in the Constitution.
I am very afraid the fate of injustice is upon us and God is going to close the door on your prayers. Yes, he hears them that I know, but how can I report to him of the token of your faith in them. You see the expenses Obama has claimed fighting against the Constitution's Claim right? In fact, hasn't your own tax dollars supported that which has been heaped up as debt upon the backs of your children or our future generations to the tune of 10 Trillion on Obama's watch. Do you think that is working? I don't think that is working.
You have all these politicians that you have elected doing nothing to stop Obama on a Constitutional Basis. They are really great at complaining and showing feign as if they are on a great fast of suffering, but its as fabricated as Obama's identifications.
This leads me to ponder a question with the supposition: If Obama has fought against the Constitution's Claims and the Constitution has become of so little value that no elected official is standing up for it and the Judges are losing the courage to rule for it in some relatively good information that the public has lost courage for it by actually supporting the only Candidate in America who has the courage and the record on a bi-partisan level to fight it, then "injustice" is being fought for much harder than "justice" and we are bound to suffer that. The question to ponder is if "Justice" is not your cause and it is better stated that "Injustice" is what your interested in and what you are putting your money towards in support, what are you the President of, and is that prestigious and honorable?
If Obama has used lawyers and money to skirt the law, what is he the President of? Well, he would be the President of Injustice and Corruption wouldn't he? The evidence of over 25 scandals that broke out in 2013 is hard evidence of that.
While we celebrate humbly 210,000 views here at www.codyjudy.blogspot.com our numbers should be at least 2 or 3 Million. We are behind if not even mentioned in every poll so far and we certainly have not reached a $5,000 dollar threshold for reporting to the FEC. All of this is not because those who have supported us have not done their level best, just as I have. I have spent everything I could and am $90 dollars in the hole. While our Campaign Cause is Just and our Constitution a Cause of Justice, I'd have to say our actual campaign looks like an abandoned U-Haul left in an orchard no one reported.
That's about as real as it gets, so don't think this guy has his head in the clouds and can't see the ground. I'm very rooted in the ground and reality. I appreciate so much those few and brave souls who have indeed done all they could to help us in sending a few dollars, taking the time to post our messages on their social media boards, but we are really drowning in the rotten pool of corruption posed against us by conservatives who support Cruz, Rubio, Jindal and who supported McCain as well as liberals who supported Obama over the last two coming three presidential election cycles.
Of course I know there are others who are discouraged with their Campaigns. How could Hillary Clinton not say yesterday was a bad day at the Office? I posted this on my own Facebook page? [REALLY BAD DAY AT THE OFFICE: My Campaign has problems but at least I am not seeing them on #Drudge 30 Days into her Campaign #ClintonCash Scandal wipes out Media Impartiality w emphasis of Foreign Finance on Pres Camp #ClintonEmail Scandal has her discussing our #SecretaryOfState State Secrets out on multiple Email accounts she said she didn't have. Kinda makes you wish for the insignificance of Bill's Affair w Monica huh? #Democrats #DemocraticParty #CRJ2016.]
I was thinking we shouldn't feel sorry for ourselves when Hillary Clinton's got 150 Million Dollars and is avoiding questions because of corruption allegations that are rolling around the brains of all the reporters following the money. It seems a certainty that there is also shown to us a wisdom here. That is the idea of saying "It's someone's turn" as it relates to the Office of the President and not someone's turn at the drinking fountain is really foolish and Hillary Clinton and for that matter Jeb Bush are examples of this.
They face questions of not only their positions in Government and their personal integrity, but questions of their families decisions and integrity to the point of basically asking them if they would be willing to shoot their husband, father, and brother for what they did? Its pretty awful, I'm not saying its not relevant, but my point is a fresh face also has a clean slate and it seems a wise choice that our Presidential Elections arrive every four years. Most decisions a President makes, when it comes to tough ones, are going to have a back lash or harmful affect upon someone or some cause that becomes unintended consequences they have to shoulder for the rest of their life.
For those who may be getting tired of me because I have blogged more than usual, you need to understand I absolutely needed and had to make plain the facts that any party could file an Amicus Curiae in support of either party or neither party, which has been done repeatedly and published as a matter of public record thanks in part to The Birther Report and The Post & Email and this blog itself here which indeed went viral.
The strategy is two fold in doing something like this. On the one hand, you are telling the Court you have opened the argument up to your opposition publicly. While I may not have had anyone, and by the Court Record here no one has filed an Amicus Curiae for me yet, by the same token and probably much more important however in this matter NO ONE HAS FILED against me which is also a witness itself to the Court Justices.
I mean I sent this thing out to thousands of attorneys across the Nation both personally and publicly! I have an email list of scholarly attorneys across the Nation - including some of the best and most prestigious law Universities across the Country- Harvard Attorneys, New York University Attorneys,Columbia Attorneys, Duke Attorneys, Princeton Attorneys, BYU Attorneys, UCLA Attorneys, Florida Attorneys, and the record shows the Court none of them posed any opposition to my case and argument. None!That is a WITNESS to the Court. I wanted to make sure everyone including the Court new that.
The procedure now for the Court will be to gather all the papers submitted to the Court and do what's called "Set the Case for Conference". That conference in the U.S. Supreme Court could be set anytime during the regularly planned conference days of the Court over the next 30 days I would expect.
During the conference what we would need is called The Rule of Four of the nine Justices to vote to at least HEAR the case. So, if four of the nine voted to hear the case we would have oral arguments and more Briefs would be filed. I hope this keeps you up to speed of what is happening and please, pass this around so others gain an understanding of the wonderful experience this opportunity is providing us to witness!
Cody Robert Judy
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President
CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.
Thank you to everyone who is and has contributed just a little here and just a little there, for we are working very hard in using the little that we do have as efficiently and proficiently as it comes in, as I'm sure everyone would agree. Please consider a contribution
Let's make it Official and support a Qualified Candidate whose has dedicated his time and talent to taking a stand for America. Let's raise a million dollars and give you the right to say, "I put my money where my mouth is. I'm not a hypocrite, I'm a Patriot!".
INSPIRING - I believe in You
We NEED YOUR HELP AMERICA now, to educate Americans in the order of our Constitution to hear Cody's Case to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are Taking a Stand for individual Civil Rights and against an unprecedented ASSAULT upon your Constitution and prior decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court! With your help we can make it happen. You are a very important key to this. So its up to you America to help Restore America Today for a Better America Tomorrow. Like, Share, and Help us in the Contribution Revolution.
Get your questions answered by ordering Cody Robert Judy's Book here.
The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.
Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401
Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016
The Commercial is simply called "America"
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