Is Obama a Risk for Flight out of the Country?
In a stunning show of arrogance Barack Hussein Obama waives his right to respond in a case set in the United States Supreme Court surrounding his eligibility and qualification to even be President by another Presidential Candidate claiming damages to his Campaigns in '08 and '12 based on inequality and discrimination.
Cody Robert Judy (CRJ) claims his rights to a fair and equal race based upon the standards set forth in the United States Constitution for the Office of the President have been fouled by the Cartel formed by the DNC and and OFA (Organization for Action)which is what Obama's Campaign Committee has morphed into and from its origin. Far from the "Citizen" requirement in the Constitution for U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators was a much higher standard for President and Vice President in what was termed the "natural born Citizen" clause. This element hinges upon what Judy calls unequal, unfair, fervent and blatant discrimination of his rights and his person in a Civil Rights contamination he claims in his action to be wholly damaging.
The action filed today (May 21st,2015)constituted a willful high mindedness by Obama that the Court will blow the case off and he didn't want to bother defending the action that has been brought to the United States Supreme Court for Justice. CRJ's tenacious fight for the principle and honor of the Office of the President did not start with Obama but actually began first with a Las Vegas, Nevada U.S. District Court case against Sen. John McCain just days before receiving the Republican Nomination. Though Obama was included in the law suit as an Emergency Motion was filed, the Judge delayed ruling on the suit until after the election of November 2008, whereupon he ruled it was 'moot' because Obama had won and the action had predominately been filed against McCain.
Another 13 Court Proceedings have happened spanning West to East, and North and South all over the Nation between that case and the one happening right now in the United States Supreme Court Judy v. Obama 14-9396 the Main Stream Media has not sighed a word about to the public yet. That's why it would come as a big surprise to almost everyone accept those paying attention to these News Briefs if pictures suddenly emerged of Obama in handcuffs being led to the Court under arrest to prevent his fleeing the Country in Air Force One, which could very well happen within the next three weeks!
CRJ says there is going to be a whole lot of people pointing to this "Waiver of right to respond" as an understanding the Court will in no way shape or form take the case, but Judy says he can prove otherwise with very relevant and current procedure happening in the Court as we speak.
"All you have to do", he explained, "is look at the cases the Court is actually hearing now and walk them back on the Docket Report to when they were first filed. You don't even have to go back, just look at the Case currently in front of the court or very recently argued."
Cody cited three cases that indeed were being argued before the United States Supreme Court within the last few months or so. "There is a case called Clyde Reed v. Town of Gilbert, AZ. case number 13-502; Andre Lee Coleman v. Todd Tollefson Case No. 13-333 and Glenn Tibble v. Edison International Case No. 13-550 these cases were in Argument January and February of this year [2015]. They all had quite a bit in common as far as procedure goes right in line with mine and their Petition for Writ of Certiori was GRANTED!
"First thing you notice right off the bat about these three case is all of them had just exactly what Obama just filed: "A waiver of the Respondent to Respond" and all of them had their Writ of Certiori's indeed granted. There is a lot of people spreading mis information out there about what the Court can and can't do. The next thing people say is, 'Well your case was categorically dismissed by the Lower Court and Twice Dismissed by the Circuit Court in an original petition and a petition for rehearing." Guess what, Don't be Fooled? So indeed were these three cases the United States Supreme Court decided to hear."
"That right, Look at them!" Judy said, so we did and hears what we found.
1st Case Docket Report:Case No. 13-502
9th Circuit
Court Decision -FEB 8
Rehearing: Denied
Oct 21 2013 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due November 20, 2013)
Oct 31 2013 Waiver of right of respondents Town of Gilbert, Arizona, et al. to respond filed.
Nov 19 2013 Motion for leave to file amici brief filed by Professors Ashutosh Bhagwat, et al.
Nov 26 2013 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of December 13, 2013.
Nov 26 2013 Response Requested . (Due December 26, 2013)
Jul 1 2014 Petition GRANTED.
2nd Case Docket Report: No. 13-1333
Andre Lee Coleman, aka Andre Lee Coleman-Bey, Petitioner v. Todd Tollefson, et al.
6th Circuit
Decision Date: October 23, 2013
Rehearing Denied: January 17, 2014
May 5 2014 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due June 4, 2014)
May 28 2014 Waiver of right of respondents Todd Tollefson, et al. to respond filed.
Jun 4 2014 Brief amicus curiae of Constitutional Accountability Center filed.
Jun 18 2014 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of September 29, 2014.
Oct 2 2014 Petition GRANTED.
3rd Case Docket Report: No. 13-550
Glenn Tibble, et al., Petitioners v. Edison International, et al
9th Circuit
Decision Date: March 21, 2013
Rehearing Denied: August 1, 2013
Oct 30 2013 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due December 2, 2013)
Nov 15 2013 Waiver of right of respondents Edison International, et al. to respond filed.
Nov 26 2013 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of December 13, 2013.
Oct 2 2014 Petition GRANTED (limited to questions..)
Indeed! Everyone of the Cases were denied twice in the Circuit Courts before appearing on the U.S. Supreme Court's Docket Report, everyone of them had a Waiver of right of respondents to respond filed, and indeed everyone of them were in fact GRANTED, just as Cody had said.
CRJ Continues to Take A Stand for Americans
The next thing Cody pointed out was an interesting question. CRJ continued:
"Out of all three of those cases I've mentioned, do any one of them even compare to the fraud that having an illegal candidate running and collecting money from innocent people for a Campaign Office they are not qualified for? How many millions of people and millions of dollars are being collected fraudulently by unqualified Candidates who just think they can get away with it because no one has been granted STANDING by a Court of Law. I ran as a Democrat in 2012 in the Democratic Party standing was not an issue, but the damages were unacknowledged, and that's what really makes me mad. Its like having someone crash your house and then say there's nothing wrong with a car in your living room. Its unbelievable!"
"Well, my cases have never been dismissed because of that! My cases have all been like ghost just disappearing with a one or two sentence opinion, or as this case has proven, railed against so hard in an unprecedented candor you actually wonder what the Judge/or Justices have against me personally because of quite frankly a total stake in the heart of Court procedure? It's unreal when you have two witnesses in Court testifying of something and the Court won't even hold a hearing on it with Sheriff's Investigations right in front of the Judge/Justices! What do you do in that instance? The only think you can do is move on to the next Court and fork out another $250,000 of DC Lawyer time and effort expenses.
"At least Obama gets the benefit of talking to the Media and telling them what a big pain in the rear end Birthers are. That has got to be somewhat consoling. I haven't even got that much satisfaction. The Media feels so sorry for him, and they scowl at me for protesting that Big Foots Truck just crashed through the front door and wall of my house crashing the floor and ceilings in and look at me as if I shouldn't be bothered? That's why I haven't cared if it took FIFTEEN CASES AND 40 MILLION DOLLARS! That son-of-a-gun has he's truck parked on top of my house and I want it off and the damages it's caused the last six years. I don't care how long he has been sleeping in the White House. He stay there for all I care, just give me my damages and Congress can deal with it after that. If they don't want to, hey, that's the Peoples Problem not mine personally any longer. The people want to put up with that I can't tell them what to do. They haven't supported me that much monetarily, but the few dozen who have over the years, I've sworn to refund their money because I think they at least deserve that as they supported me on the basis of a fair race and that has been violated."
"It makes me sick to my stomach to think about the Fraud being committed on the basis that an unqualified Candidate doesn't think anyone will have standing simply because no one whose Elected is going to cross them. That's just a rotten 'good ole boy's club' if you ask me- Rotten to the core! If the People want to eat rotten apples supporting them, let'em eat until they get sick to. I'm not going to eat those rotten apples any more. I'm tired of it."
"I'm actually tired of doing a job that the People have elected and paid their Congressman and Senators to do. They aren't doing it if they are not apposing unqualified Candidates for the Office of the President. They are basically saying, "We don't care that every Grandma and Grandpa, every Husband and Wife, every Single Voting Adult, just can't do anything about being defrauded because they don't have standing. So what happens? They all suffer fraud and are being taken advantage of. I would not stand by watching and see anyone take advantage of someone I loved physically. I wade into that perp like a wild lion and they'd think twice before they did it again. That's kind of what I've done in Court in a Civil and respectable way."
We asked him, "What's Next with the U.S. Supreme Court Case?"
"Well, you will notice on all three of those cases, if you look at them on the Docket Report of the U.S. Supreme Court, that once that Due date has come, which is normally about thirty days after the Writ of Certiori has been filed, then the case is set for Conference in two weeks. In my case it was unusual because they gave Obama nearly double the amount of time to respond if you notice. My writ of 14-9396 was filed on March 30 and Obama had clear till May 20th to Respond. That's an extra twenty days on my clock and at my expense. The general public doesn't notice things like that but lawyers do and clients do when all that time is costing you. It feels like your being bled out."
"Anyway, from May 20th we could count two weeks on a Thursday, because that is when the Court hears new Certs and we'd come to June 4th. That's when I'm guessing my case will be set for Conference. They will decide if they would like to consider any of the three questions I have proposed to them in offering my case as an example requiring justice. I long ago learned you can be right and still not heard, especially if not enough people are affected by what your asking the Court to consider. In this case, it would just be a travesty for the Court not to grab it. We have the 2016 elections coming up Iowa Cauces in eight months. This affects all parties, both Republicans and Democrats and there is not an election per se hinging on it. Its just ripe for the Court to hear and I think America deserves for it to be heard."
You'll notice after the conference if the Court asks for the Respondent to Respond it usually comes in about five days. Now if that hits the Court docket, I'd really be looking for Obama to say "Good Bye USA", and sail away on Air Force One. He'll take that plane and we won't see it again and he'll be asking for Amnesty from Kenya or Indonesia, because the writing will be on the wall. You watch, it will be a lot worse than when Nixon just resigned the White House. Obama will flee probably right around June 10th if I had to guess."
Anything Else you'd like to add Mr.Judy?
"I could sure use your help America. Yes, it has been a long and difficult journey that is nearly over and America really needs to get on board and believe in themselves. Believe that their small contributions matter. Believe that their Constitution really does matter. I just attended my son's Kindergarten Graduation. It was so cute.(That's Stradda with his Teacher Mrs Jennings) They got diploma's and sang songs about how they learned to spell and sound things out. Things we take for granted like the months in a year, or the fact they could spell "Rat" but it bothered them they couldn't spell hippopotamus. Well, I sit in a program like that and see my son and see all his class mates. That's the future of America. I wanna be able to say we are passing on a better one to them the we had handed to us. Its hard to think about that when we are 18 Trillion in debt, an ObamaCare costing tons more than expected and raising rates and costing families more, as well as our borders becoming porous and Obama fixed on an Amnesty that really puts a lot a pressure on a lot of already fake job numbers with 93 million Americans out of the job pool and not being counted in the 5.6% unemployment numbers. I know how bad America is hurting and the gap between rich and poor is getting bigger and bigger. One thing I know is that if you don't Take a Stand, (that's the title of my book, I had the title before U.S. Sen. Rand Paul did so don't think I copied him),more and more is going to be taken from you as far as your individual rights. It will encourage gang violence and a mob mentality. I've seen that and its not the kind of America we grew up in. A great Restoration is needed. If you believe that, you better get with some Candidate for President who believes it to, and has the action, not just words in the Senate, to prove it to you."
The 2016 Cody Robert Judy Campaign for U.S. President
CAMPAIGN NEWS FLASH - Please visit a couple more of our Campaign Web Pages that are up, remodeled, and going. First the "Bio of Cody" page is up and also the "NEWS FLASH" page is up which details a news flash about Judy v. Obama 14-9396 in the United States Supreme Court.
Thank you to everyone who is and has contributed just a little here and just a little there, for we are working very hard in using the little that we do have as efficiently and proficiently as it comes in, as I'm sure everyone would agree. Please consider a contribution
Let's make it Official and support a Qualified Candidate whose has dedicated his time and talent to taking a stand for America. Let's raise a million dollars and give you the right to say, "I put my money where my mouth is. I'm not a hypocrite, I'm a Patriot!".
INSPIRING - I believe in You
We NEED YOUR HELP AMERICA now, to educate Americans in the order of our Constitution to hear Cody's Case to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are Taking a Stand for individual Civil Rights and against an unprecedented ASSAULT upon your Constitution and prior decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court! With your help we can make it happen. You are a very important key to this. So its up to you America to help Restore America Today for a Better America Tomorrow. Like, Share, and Help us in the Contribution Revolution.
Get your questions answered by ordering Cody Robert Judy's Book here.
The 2016 Campaign begins now. Please send your contributions and help with the ABC (American Birther Campaign) today and my election for President in 2016 and Join the 257 of us now on my Facebook Cody Robert Judy for U.S. President 2016 site.
Cody Robert Judy for President 2016
3031 So. Ogden Ave. Suite #2
Ogden, Utah 84401
Thank you
Cody Robert Judy
Candidate for United States President 2016
The Commercial is simply called "America"
"THERE IS NO 'PRESIDENT' OBAMA: http://www.thepostemail.com/09/17/2010/there-is-no-president-obama/